But let's hear what others say! Ultimately, what is really important is how our customers, friends and business partners assess our collaboration. But what connects us with our customers in a very special way can be summed up in a few words: passion, understanding, quality and the joy of shared success!

Christopher Neufeld

2024, DJ Pitzekind

What an incredibly awesome evening with you! I want to thank you all once again for such an amazing night. From the planning and preliminary discussions to the execution on the evening—it was truly BRILLIANT. THANK YOU!

Birthday Party at Prebersee

2023, Personal letter from a guest

Thank you so much for a wonderful party last weekend in Austria! Everything was so beautiful organised from the initial invitation to the ‘party pack’ on arrival to the very efficient taxis at the end of the night. Your attention to detail was breathtaking: I thought the little cabins outside were part of the venue but now i know you sourced them specially! The catering, drinks, flowers, decorations and placement were all perfect.It was the best weekend ever and I really enjoyed myself. Looking forward to seeing you again in Austria and thank you for everything!

Sternekoch Andreas Mayer mit seiner Frau Anette bei der Präsentation des Kochbuchs "Der Duft von Gemüse"
Sternekoch Andreas Mayer mit seiner Frau Anette bei der Präsentation des Kochbuchs "Der Duft von Gemüse"

Family Mayer

2022, Andreas & Anette Mayer Schloß Prielau

With the book "The Scent of Vegetables", Brilliant Communications achieved exceptional market penetration and the press attention we had hoped for. Thank you so much for that. Martina Fleischer-Kücher is not only incredibly pleasant - though we wouldn’t pay for that alone, since our cat is nice too - but she is also exceptionally professional, well-connected, and ready for anything.

Laurenz Hoffmann

2021, Leo Hillinger Wineshop & Bar

Many thanks to BRILLIANT Communications. The collaboration for the opening of the Leo HILLINGER Wineshop & Bar in Salzburg was a pleasure, and the entire event was organized with exceptional professionalism by BRILLIANT! The advertising value generated through their active support in public relations and event management has been truly sensational for us!

v.l.n.r.: Žiga Klakočar (Geschäftsführer Leo Hillinger Wineshop & Bar) und Leo Hillinger (Bio-Winzer), Laurenz Hoffmann
v.l.n.r.: Žiga Klakočar (Geschäftsführer Leo Hillinger Wineshop & Bar) und Leo Hillinger (Bio-Winzer), Laurenz Hoffmann

v.l.n.r.: Andreas Gfrerer (Art Hotel Blaue Gans), Michael Brauneis
v.l.n.r.: Andreas Gfrerer (Art Hotel Blaue Gans), Michael Brauneis

Michael Brauneis

2021, Campari Group

A personal thank you to Martina Fleischer-Kücher and the team at Brilliant Communications. On a professional level, we are very satisfied with the results and media coverage for the opening of the Teatro-Campari pop-up bar at the Arthotel Blaue Gans in Salzburg. I also want to express my gratitude for the excellent collaboration and the extremely pleasant personal rapport we’ve established.

Elisabeth Limmert


The team led by Martina Fleischer-Kücher is both charming and competent, combining warmth with unwavering professionalism. Martina is distinguished by her excellent networking skills, exceptional creativity, and immense enthusiasm. Each project and event is executed with remarkable speed and precision, while always keeping the overarching client goals in focus.

Sabine Schuha

2021, Cosmetic Sabine Schuha

Acquiring customers is easy - retaining customers and making them happy is much more difficult. The fact that I have been working with Martina Fleischer-Kücher from BRILLIANT Communications for 15 years speaks for itself. The combination of perfect human chemistry and concentrated expertise has allowed us to laugh and be successful together for many years. Martina's network is enormous. Over the years, a business relationship has turned into a great friendship. And that is precisely why I value her commitment even more. You can rely on Martina and her team, day and night.

Thank you to Martina and her team.

Petra Schneider

2019, massgeschneidert Kommunikationsbüro

We understand PR as tailor-made communication work; we don't have any "off-the-shelf" concepts. This understanding of PR connects us with Martina Fleischer-Kücher and her great team, as does their attention to detail. At Brilliant Communications, customer products and topics are put into practice every day - an approach that we fully identify with. After implementing several projects together, we are pleased to have built a successful Salzburg-Vienna axis that works and is fun for both the customer and the agency!

Theresa von Fugler

2019, CEO Petit Bateau

Since 2016, the communication of the French children's fashion brand Petit Bateau for Austria has been in the experienced hands of BRILLIANT Communications. All press and media work agendas, as well as contacts with bloggers and influencers, are coordinated by the "brilliant" team, which is particularly characterized by hands-on qualities and a large network. BRILLIANT Communications is also significantly involved in the development and establishment of the DACH channel on Instagram - @mein_petitbateau - and always ensures a suitable, intensive social media presence for the brand. When it comes to shop openings or international events, BRILLIANT is also the right address for us. The team takes care of all the details from idea generation to planning and implementation of the event in order to present the brand perfectly, acting with exceptional care and the necessary sensitivity that makes the difference in the children's fashion industry.

Costan Eghiazarian

2018, AENEA Jewellery

BRILLIANT has been with us from the very beginning, helping to build our brands and corporate communications, and has successfully supported us in all our activities in Austria. Beyond the friendly and professional cooperation, we greatly value the proactive and hands-on approach of the entire team. BRILLIANT’s long-standing personal connections with the Austrian media scene are a key asset, distinguishing them from larger PR agencies.

Andreas Klautzsch

2018, Kennel & Schmenger

Our Pirmasens-based shoe manufacturer "Kennel & Schmenger" opened the first Austrian mono-brand store in Salzburg in 2018. The communication surrounding the opening organized by BRILLIANT Communications and the organization of a great opening event was so successful that we noticed a high response at the new location within a short time. We therefore transferred all public relations agendas to the Salzburg agency team immediately after the opening phase. Since then, through numerous media work activities and targeted blogger relations, among other things, we have succeeded in further establishing our brand and our product in the media landscape and significantly increasing brand awareness in Austria.

Dr. Franka Haiderer

2016, Sotheby's

In October 2016, on behalf of Sotheby’s, I had the pleasure of organizing a Ladies Tea with Martina Fleischer-Kücher from Brilliant Communications and Claudia Koller from the K+K Restaurant in Salzburg, centered around the theme 'Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend.' From the start, Martina Fleischer-Kücher and her team were brimming with innovative ideas and a deep understanding of how to appropriately position and represent a 250-year-old brand. With positive energy, professionalism, and meticulous attention to detail, they orchestrated a successful and sparkling high tea. Nothing was left to chance, and everything was expertly managed to ensure our guests had a wonderful experience. Simply brilliant!

Doris Wild

2017, wildbild

As a photo agency, it is particularly important to us that everything is prepared for a shoot and that everyone knows exactly what they have to do. When we work with BRILLIANT, we photographers can come to the set completely relaxed, knowing that everything is perfectly organized.

Gipfeltreffen 2013

2013, Dir. Johann Jungreithmair

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your team on behalf of Reed Exhibitions Messe Salzburg for your cooperation and professional support of this year's "summit meeting" in the M32 as part of the "Tracht & Country Premiere". This evening was by far the most brilliant and successful in the history of the "Tracht & Country Premiere". And, not least thanks to your involvement and expertise, it was blessed with an incredible density of personalities, with people who are important in transporting our common statement for traditional costumes to the whole world. The media coverage of the evening was overwhelming and a basis on which we now need to build. I am therefore certain that we will be working on one or two projects together again in the near future and I am very much looking forward to that.